At Ozicelan, we offer the best oven cleaning Bedfordshire companies can provide and we’re a pretty helpful bunch too! We create blogs like this one, so that our readers get helpful tips on all things relating to oven cleaning. In this blog, we take a look at some pro tips on dealing with a really dirty oven.
Cleaning an oven isn’t a job that most people are too keen on – particularly when it’s filthy, but if you’re willing to roll your sleeves up, you have the power to make your oven more energy efficient. You’re also less likely to end up cooking food that tastes like burnt toast every time!
Your oven has to put up with a lot, ensuring that your family gets fed every day and if you don’t keep on top of it, it can get out of hand pretty quickly. So, to help you avoid having to look for an oven cleaner near me online in the near future, here are a few pro tips on dealing with the problem yourself.
Pro-Tip #1 – Make Sure You’ve Got All Your Tools
The first thing you need to do is gather all the necessary tools, as you don’t want to have to go searching part-way through the job when you’ve got dirty hands. You’ll find that the best oven cleaning Buckinghamshire companies will lay out all of their tools before they start cleaning your oven, as it stops time being wasted later.
Typically, you’ll need:
- Washing up liquid
- Rubber gloves
- A supermarket or home-made oven cleaner (water and bicarbonate of soda)
- Several sponges
- A good amount of paper towels
- A roll of black sacks
Pro-Tip #2 – Do Your Oven Cleaning Prep
Another tip that the best oven cleaning Hertfordshire companies will tell you is that doing proper preparation for the job will pay you back ten-fold. Sure, you could crack on straight away and let your elbow-grease get rid of all that burnt, built-up food debris, but you will end up red faced and sore-fingered before too long!
Most oven-cleaning products are designed to melt this kind of debris away, but it does take time to really work and lift that dirt. The active ingredient in most oven cleaning products (usually caustic soda) needs to be given enough time (usually several hours or overnight) to work, so that you’ll be able to just wipe the dissolved dirt away. This also applies to cleaning your oven’s shelving racks.
Do this and you shouldn’t have any sore fingers and if the first coat of oven cleaner doesn’t get it all up, repeat the process and you will likely have more luck!
Pro Tip #3 – Save Your Sponges By Using Paper Towels
When oven cleaning liquid is mixed together with burnt food and dirt, it creates a dark, viscose substance that’s really easy to spread from one part of the oven to another. Rather than using your sponge scourers to clean it out, another pro tip is to use your paper towels instead!
The reason for this is that paper towels are more absorbent, cheaper and better for the job. That way, you won’t get through 30 sponges during your oven clean and you’re also much less likely to transfer grease to other, cleaner parts of your oven.
Get Your Oven Cleaned the Easy Way – The Professional Way
Whilst these tips are really helpful to the cause of doing your oven clean yourself, there is an even easier way to restore your oven back to its former glory and that’s by employing the best ovening cleaning Hertfordshire , Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire can offer. That superlative oven cleaning comes from the OziClean team.
We have years of oven cleaning experience and know-how to pull on, so no matter how dirty your oven is, we have the skills required to get it looking and working great again! All it takes is a quick call to make your booking at a time that suits you and we’ll do the rest!
You can find out more about why our customers see us as the premier oven cleaning company in the Home Counties by visiting us at, where you’ll also find details of our complete range of cleaning services. However, if you’d like to book yourself an professional oven clean or you have any questions for us, give us a call on our freephone number 0800 772 0648 today.